
 Food & Dairy Applications


Bottled Water / Tea / Juice

                                                                            Disinfection / Taste / Odor removal / Color removal / Clarity


 Chiller / Cooling Loops 

Bacteria Control /  Slime / Color Reduction / Clarity 


Air Handlers

Bacteria Control / Algae 


          Surface Spray or Mist 

Bacteria Control for Conveyers / Table Tops / Saw Blades


          Listeria control 

Floor Drains / Lift Stations / High Condensation Areas


Air Scrubbers 

Odor Control


Evaporative Condensers / Cooling Towers 

Algae Control / Bio Fouling / Stand alone Treatment Systems


CIP / COP Sanitation 

Food Processing & Dairy’s / Silo Cleaning / Tree Wash / Crate Wash / Bin wash / ect.

 Fully automated skid mounted modular ozone system, custom     Ozone is a powerful oxidizer that   designed for conveyer & saw blade spray in meat processing plant. Bacteria can’t form a resistance to.

Ozone Systems

 Custom Designed For The Food & Dairy Industry    

Replaces or  Reduces  Peroxyacetic Acid 

Quaternary Ammonium


       Relative Oxidizing Power of Ozone


Product  Oxidizer                                                            Oxidation Potential (Volts)         Relative Oxidation (PowerOP/ Volts                   R/O            )


Ozone                     2.08        1.53 Hydrogen Peroxide   1.78        1.31

Hypochlorite              1.48        1.09 Free chlorine             1.36        1

Hypobromite             1.33        0.98 Chlorine Dioxide        0.95        0.7


Based on chlorine as reference (=1.00)                                      

                  Chlorine     Point-of-Entry, and Small System Water Treatment Applications: A Reference Manual.SOURCE: Water Quality Association Ozone Task Force. 1997. Ozone for Point-of-Use,  Sodium  Hypochlorite                                  Water Quality Association. Lisle, IL, 2-4.                                          

                  Algaecides TOC Reduction  

                  Chlorine Dioxide Fed in low levels to all plant water  

                  Carbon Bed Regeneration  

                                                                       Fed in high levels to counter organic loading in carbon beds  

                                                                           Odor Control  

                                                                         Dumpsters / Spoiled product containers / Insect control

                                                                             Fruit / Produce Rinse & Misting

                                                                         Extended shelf life and improved appearance 


International Technology Solutions CUSTOM ENGINEERED OZONE SYSTEMS


Systems can be optimized for either continuous or periodic use, depending upon the application. International Technology Solutions systems are successfully used in CIP & COP applications, for pure water storage tanks, milk or juice tanks, system piping, equipment rinse, floor spray or drain rinse to battle listeria, foot spray, either alone or as a compliment to your existing methods. Other point-of-use applications may include chillers, mixers and filling equipment. New applications are discovered on a daily basis. 

Benefits of Ozone

1. Disinfects faster than conventional chemicals, saving time and money.

2. Ozone is generated on site as needed, eliminating the need for chemical storage.

3. Ozone can supplement or replace conventional CIP & COP methods such as chlorine,   steam, caustic, hydrogen peroxide or quaternary ammonia compounds. 4.  Ozone reduces overall chemical costs, discharge assessments and downtime.

5. Due to its high oxidation potential, ozone improves CIP & COP effectiveness and overall               system cleanliness. 

6. Ozone can be easily retrofitted to enhance chemical CIP & COP systems.

7. Ozone reduces both rinse-up time and the time required to switch flavors or products.

8. ITS will design, provide and maintain the correct system for your facility normally within

Ozone Background


Ozone has been in use since around the turn of the century. Early applications included disinfection of drinking water and waste water treatment. The first known use of ozone was in the town of Nice, France in 1903. Since the middle of the 20th century the number of applications for ozone technology has risen steadily. Applications now include air purification, biological control for cooling towers, swimming pools and hot tubs, Color removal, phosphate removal, B.O.D.& C.O.D. reduction, odor abatement, food rinses and many other uses. 


What is ozone?


Ozone is a clear gas that is a three atom allotrope of oxygen. It is the second only to fluorine in negative oxidation potential. This makes ozone one of natures wonders all by its self. Ozone reacts with both inorganic and organic substances. Ozone=s role as a virus deactivate and bactericide are well documented. Ozone decomposes very rapidly back to oxygen in about an hour, therefore it must be produced on sight for practical application.


How is ozone made?


Ozone Generators are used to produce ozone at or near sight of application. Ozone can be produced two ways, the first of witch is by ultraviolet light or ( U.V. )

U.V. ozone generators are used in very small demand application, less than 1 gram per hour.

Corona discharge is the method of choice for any demand greater than 1 gram per hour.

Corona discharge or Silent arc discharge occurs when electrons flow at sufficiently high potential through a gas. The gas can be oxygen or ambient air. A corona discharge generator would contain two electrodes separated by a gap, a gas in the gap, and sufficient voltage potential between the electrodes to cause current to flow through the dielectric and gas.

This arrangement can be duplicated several times to achieve the desired amount of ozone production.